Louise Schriewer
Louise Schriewer

My current calling is to be a professional wizard (I mean, coach) and wordsmith (I mean, writer).

If you're interested, you can find out more about my coaching services here. I also offer a writing feedback call. This is how I got here: The shortest version of my story is that I used to be a very passionate child. Then I grew up, became a lawyer, and forgot all about my magic and weirdness. After a long journey, I now embrace all of who I am (my wizard-self, my lawyer-self, and everything in between). Longer version of my story, in 3 acts: Act 1: Once upon a time, in a land far away, I was a high-paid attorney working on multi-billion and million dollar cases, qualified for judicial office, about to complete my Ph.D. from the world's oldest university institute in international law, …

…. and grappling with the realization that I wasn't doing my life's work. As a self-declared global citizen with a German passport, I had studied or worked in half a dozen countries around the world when I fell in love with an American I met in Berlin. Act 2:

After a long internal struggle, I left the career I had spent a decade building, moved from my native Germany to the US to be with the love of my life and created a business that is aligned with my passion and calling. Act 3:

Today, I help my coaching clients find more purpose, clarity, and focus.

I love seeing how the changes my clients make not only benefit their lives—but also the lives of those around them, including their families, friends, and employees.

I also offer conscious business coaching and consulting services to the CEOs of small companies. As a coach and facilitator, I have been involved in different leadership development programs for businesses and non-profits. I love to teach, something I have also done in university contexts. A while ago, I co-led the multi-national legal team of Volt (a new, pan-European political movement). Volt gained its first seat in the 2019 European Parliamentary elections, after which I handed over my role to my successor to focus more on my business.

From summer 2019 to the beginning of 2023 (when I took over as the main editor for Better Humans), I facilitated a monthly cross-promotional challenge for coach.me. In addition to my previous legal academic writing, I now write on a diverse number of topics for a general audience. I have been published in various outlets including Elephant Journal, Huffington Post, Positively Positive, The Startup (now: Start It Up), The Ascent, Be Yourself and Your Tango. I love reading, spending time with people I care about, being out in nature and going to martial arts practice, which is my happy place!

Louise Schriewer

Louise Schriewer

I love helping people overcome their struggles and have a joyful life. Professional wizard (I mean, coach…) who used to be a lawyer: workyoulovecoach.com